74电影天堂 >科幻片 > 那个人在想什么事情

精简剧情:The main character is Dr. Max Holst, a successful neurosurgeon. One day an intense little man named Steinmetz shows up, who has the real ability to create objects out of thin air, using only his mind. As no one believes him at first, he is held at a ward for mental patients, but manifests the key to his door and escapes. As he has a special interest in Dr. Holst, Steinmetz subsequently invites Holst to his large mansion, which is full of expensive paintings and sculptures, and proves to him that he can in fact materialise objects. Steinmetz’s abilities are evolving by leaps and bounds, and is progressing from being able to create objects only to being able to create living things. His ultimate ambition is to be able to create a human being. He tells Dr. Holst that if he will only perform a certain brain operation on him, Steinmetz will become able to attain his goal. He’s got all the necessary equipment set up in his basement. Dr. Holst, however, is too spooked by the whole thing to agree to this mad scheme, and refuses. Steinmetz then sets about manipulating Holst’s life, to pressure him into performing the operation. By then Steinmetz has become able to create a temporary human being, and in the hope that he can perhaps make his own creation perform the operation, he manifests a doppelganger of Dr. Holst. This double proceeds to take over Dr. Holst’s life, creating chaos for him professionally and personally. And then Dr. Holst starts fighting back. The ending has the dual virtue of being both unexpected and satisfying.


  • 785HD第七封印古纳尔·布约恩施特兰德,本特·埃切罗特,尼尔斯·波普,马克斯·冯·叙多夫,毕比·安德松
  • 3256HD国王班底恩·潘,裘德·洛,安东尼·霍普金斯,凯特·温丝莱特,马克·鲁弗洛,派翠
  • 992HD大堡礁惊魂Adrienne,Pickering,Zoe,Naylor,Damian,Walshe-Howling
  • 6440HD地下理想国Vincent,Gallo,朱丽叶特·刘易斯,乌多·基尔
  • 572HD玩命逃杀查理·帕尔默·罗斯韦尔,罗珊娜·马奎达,Laetitia,Chambon,Helena,Chambon,Marie,Zabukovec,Igor,van,Dessel,Thomas,Mustin,Daphné,Huynh,Alizée,Gaye,Priscilla,Adade,Caroline,Donnelly,Koah,Edwards,Hippolyte,de,Poucques
  • 2619HD城市探险者Max,Riemelt,Nathalie,Kelley,Nick,Eversman,Klaus,Stiglmeier,Catherine,de,Léan,Brenda,Koo,Adolfo,Assor,Johannes,Klaußner,Andreas,Wisniewski
  • 3790HD存在者Cesar,Montano,小泽玛利亚,Meg,Imperial,Yam,Concepcion,Dido,de,la,Paz
  • 165HD运河迷踪安东尼娅·坎贝尔-休斯,鲁珀特·伊文斯,史蒂夫·奥拉姆,凯利·伯恩,汉娜·霍克斯特拉,Calum,Heath,Maura,Foley,Carl,Shaaban,Anneke,Blok,Anthony,Murphy,Conor,Horgan
  • 5775HD坤蒂拉娜Sandrinna,Michelle,奥雷·莫雷曼斯,Fero,Walandouw,Nena,Rosier
  • 8760HD背带短裤丧尸来袭加布蕾拉·马辛科娃,劳里·卡尔弗特,Oscar,Dyekjær,Giese,Patricia,Aulitzky,卡尔·菲舍尔,玛格丽特·提塞尔
  • 2538HD第三只眼睛Jessica,MIla,Bianca,Hello,Danny,Sumargo
  • 2772HD诅咒之城:玛雅奥嘉·方达,卡拉·欧提兹,Steve,Wilcox,胡安·帕罗·卡斯塔尼达


入库更新时间:2024-04-11 10:32:01
John版那个人在想什么事情剧情: The main character is Dr. Max Holst, a successful neurosurgeon. One day an intense little man named Steinmetz shows up, who has the real ability to create objects out of thin air, using only his mind. As no one believes him at first, he is held at a ward for mental patients, but manifests the key to his door and escapes. As he has a special interest in Dr. Holst, Steinmetz subsequently invites Holst to his large mansion, which is full of expensive paintings and sculptures, and proves to him that he can in fact materialise objects. Steinmetz’s abilities are evolving by leaps and bounds, and is progressing from being able to create objects only to being able to create living things. His ultimate ambition is to be able to create a human being. He tells Dr. Holst that if he will only perform a certain brain operation on him, Steinmetz will become able to attain his goal. He’s got all the necessary equipment set up in his basement. Dr. Holst, however, is too spooked by the whole thing to agree to this mad scheme, and refuses. Steinmetz then sets about manipulating Holst’s life, to pressure him into performing the operation. By then Steinmetz has become able to create a temporary human being, and in the hope that he can perhaps make his own creation perform the operation, he manifests a doppelganger of Dr. Holst. This double proceeds to take over Dr. Holst’s life, creating chaos for him professionally and personally. And then Dr. Holst starts fighting back. The ending has the dual virtue of being both unexpected and satisfying.






Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子







