74电影天堂 >剧情片 > 牛头怪

精简剧情:  Acclaimed Mexican-Canadian auteur Nicolás Pereda returns to the Festival with Minotaur, a pendant to his 2009 feature Juntos. Shot in the Mexico City apartment of Pereda’s signature actor Gabino Rodríguez, Minotaur is an incandescent chamber piece that observes three thirtysomethings (Rodríguez, Luisa Pardo and Francisco Barreiro) as they sleep, dream, read, and receive visitors (including the housekeeper who takes care of them) in their communal space. A lovely and lethargic spell is cast as an ambiguous, Marienbad-like love triangle emerges among the trio, conveyed through literature (books function as telepathic transmitters and definers of relationships), choreography, and the acute physical presence of the three leads. Extending Pereda’s recurring interests in class, social structure and family relations in Mexican society in its wraithlike fantasy of a leisure class that is quite literally sustained in its narcoleptic existence by the ministrations of the domestic help, Minotaur evokes the films of Tsai Ming-liang in its distended naturalism, ritualistic solitude, and creation of a cloistered world suffused with longing.                                                                      The surreal aura of Minotaur seeps beyond the confines of the trio’s apartment into a strange "night without distance" in Lois Patiño’s hallucinatory portrait of border smuggling in the Gerês Mountains between Portugal and Galicia. Casting real townsfolk, some of whom were smugglers in their youth, Patiño places their stiffly Straubian presences within cross-processed, multilayered tableaux of rocks, river, and trees — an ever-indeterminate place that has imbibed and borne witness to innumerable, desperate acts of survival. Conjuring an instant in the memory of a landscape filled with ghosts, Night without distance extracts spellbinding fantasy from the real.


  • 5480HD阳台上的派对劳尔·布里奥内斯,特蕾莎·鲁伊斯,Alfredo,Gatica,梅赛德斯·埃尔南德斯,Pierre,Louis,Lizeth,Selene,黛比·玛扎,丹尼尔·希梅内斯·卡乔
  • 2990HD金笼Karen,Martínez,Rodolfo,Dominguez,Brandon,López,Carlos,Chajon
  • 782HD激进教学欧赫尼奥·德尔维斯,丹尼尔·哈达德,珍妮弗·特乔,米娅·费尔南达·索利斯,吉尔伯托·巴拉扎,达尼洛·瓜迪奥拉,维克托·埃斯特拉达,曼努埃尔·马尔克斯,克里斯蒂安·冈萨雷斯,霍奇奎查尔·马丁内斯,埃德蒙多·穆尼奥斯,埃诺克·莱亚诺,曼努埃尔·克鲁兹·维瓦斯,欧文·维蒂亚,阿利森·佩雷斯·伯纳尔,安德里亚·帕克,卡罗·伊萨克斯,佛朗哥·奥尔特加,瓦尼亚·阿莱莎·帕拉,克劳迪娅·代·伯纳尔
  • 1580HD无声世界TodoelsilencioAdriana,Llabrés,路易斯·帕莱塔,Moisés,Melchor
  • 222HD末世肉体玛利亚·埃沃利,迪亚戈·加梅利尔,加维诺·罗德里格斯
  • 98HD势在必胜óscar,Aquino,López,Carlos,Ariosto,Pedro,Estrada,Hernández
  • 2360HD造房子的人路易斯·阿伯提,Horacio,Celestino,Hugo,Mendoza,Jonathan,Sánchez
  • 1719HD中字一部警察电影劳尔·布里奥内斯,莫妮卡·德尔·卡门
  • 4781HD中字嘈杂噪音Julieta,Egurrola,特蕾莎·鲁伊斯,Erick,Israel,Consuelo
  • 3860HD中字慢性比茜·图诺克,蒂姆·罗斯,玛莉贝丝·梦露,大卫·达斯马齐连,克莱尔·范·德·波姆,莎拉·萨瑟兰
  • 2988HD中字撕开我的人生安娜-克劳迪亚-塔兰康
  • 352HD中字无人之地弗兰克·格里罗,安迪·麦克道威尔,亚历克斯·马克尼科尔,乔治·洛佩兹,豪尔赫·A·希门尼斯,埃斯梅拉达·皮门特尔,奥费莉娅·梅迪纳,Jake,Allyn,Andrés,Delgado,Iván,Aragón,Juan,Carlos,Remolina,Sandra,Zellweger,Alessio,Valentini,Julieta,Ortiz,Fernando,Cuautle


入库更新时间:2023-03-16 09:47:52
牛头怪剧情:   Acclaimed Mexican-Canadian auteur Nicolás Pereda returns to the Festival with Minotaur, a pendant to his 2009 feature Juntos. Shot in the Mexico City apartment of Pereda’s signature actor Gabino Rodríguez, Minotaur is an incandescent chamber piece that observes three thirtysomethings (Rodríguez, Luisa Pardo and Francisco Barreiro) as they sleep, dream, read, and receive visitors (including the housekeeper who takes care of them) in their communal space. A lovely and lethargic spell is cast as an ambiguous, Marienbad-like love triangle emerges among the trio, conveyed through literature (books function as telepathic transmitters and definers of relationships), choreography, and the acute physical presence of the three leads. Extending Pereda’s recurring interests in class, social structure and family relations in Mexican society in its wraithlike fantasy of a leisure class that is quite literally sustained in its narcoleptic existence by the ministrations of the domestic help, Minotaur evokes the films of Tsai Ming-liang in its distended naturalism, ritualistic solitude, and creation of a cloistered world suffused with longing.                                                                      The surreal aura of Minotaur seeps beyond the confines of the trio’s apartment into a strange "night without distance" in Lois Patiño’s hallucinatory portrait of border smuggling in the Gerês Mountains between Portugal and Galicia. Casting real townsfolk, some of whom were smugglers in their youth, Patiño places their stiffly Straubian presences within cross-processed, multilayered tableaux of rocks, river, and trees — an ever-indeterminate place that has imbibed and borne witness to innumerable, desperate acts of survival. Conjuring an instant in the memory of a landscape filled with ghosts, Night without distance extracts spellbinding fantasy from the real.






Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子







